Monday, January 19, 2009

Tracking my meals

In order to keep track of what I'm eating and how it's working out, I'm going to take pictures of my meals and record how hungry I was. Dave and I have been using the Zone to try to make our meals - some meals are easier that others to balance out. I've been eating about 12-14 blocks a day. One block is equal to 7 g of protein, 9 g of carbs, and 3 grams of fat. It's about 100 calories a block. We're not as strict about the fat limit because it is often hard to have a meal with that small amount of fat.

1 comment:

  1. 1200 calories a day is probably too few for your height!! To lose weight and sustain weight loss without sustaining a "diet" indefinitely you have to eat more not less =) So counterintuitive but it works!
